Sunday, August 3, 2008

craft round-up

things have been busy here. it's almost henny's big day and we are in high-prep mode. there is painting of the house, mowing, list-making and of course birthday crafting! earlier this week i spent the night with my good friend learning how to and actually making a doll for henny. it will be his birthday gift.

we're calling him "star boy". nobody ever discussed the name, it seemed like every one just knew that that would be this doll's name. when bee was small the same friend who helped me make henny's doll made one for bee. it has become a well loved treasure. she is, and has almost always been, named "star baby". bee thought that the little flowers on the fabric looked like stars, so there you go. when we went shopping for the fabric for henny's doll, bee insisted that we find some with stars. 
i love how it came out. the head has what you could call character, but it's cute. i just hope it becomes as well loved as star baby. 
here is a shot of the two babies having a snuggle. yes, this is what i do when the kids go to bed.

today i finally got around to trying out dyeing some clothes. i had bought all this stuff in a fit of creative energy a while back, but finding the time is always the hard part. this was my first time using something other than RIT and it went ok. it was really hard to mix colors and there were a few fluky things, like a few drips of red making their way into the blue (hello purple!). bee and i tried a couple tie-dyes but we totally didn't leave the dye on long enough. all and all it was good and now we have some jazzed up onesies and a lot of old stains covered up, plus some new things for future gifts.
finally tonight i finished up our celebration banner. the project started off with a snag (literally!). luckily my on-site mechanic came to the rescue. how lucky am i?
but, guess what?! it was all my fault for just setting something funky on one of the dials. i have so much to learn!
so, i finished the banner and now we are one step closer to celebrating henny's big day.

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