this past week has been full, overrun, with planning, packing and general insanity leading up to our first international trip as a family. there has been much excitement and some nervousness. and through it all, i have had my own personal mantra, "we just have to get there". my thinking has been that the trip itself would be great, once we were there. the driving, lines, waiting, flying, more driving, it all had me a bit frazzled.
we just have to get there.
turns out that truer words have never been said.
here are the kids, troopers, at 3am. we were just leaving our house. excitement abounded. giggles and squeals all the way to the airport.

here are the same kids, still troopers, six hours later. notice they are back in their car seats (asleep), and back home after learning that "our plane is broken. trip cancelled" (-bee).

and here are the parents, waiting for the kids to wake up so we can go out to breakfast. notice we aren't too psyched.

so, we are going to do it all again tomorrow. and the kind people on the other end of our journey have extended our trip an extra day and the shitty airline has changed our return flight to allow for the extra day. at no charge. aren't they lovely.
that sun and sand is going to feel good and hard earned tomorrow.
we just have to get there.
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