of course the most obvious and life changing development is the crawling. henny is everywhere and anywhere now. he officially has the crawling thing down and there is no stopping him, much to his sisters dismay.

in other news. henny's hair is officially out of control. i will hold out longer, but it's becoming more clear that a haircut is going to be in his future. i mean, seriously, look at it.
in the last few weeks henny has popped out a bunch of teeth. he had just the bottom two for months, but now the count is up to five. most shockingly, his front top teeth are really shooting in fast. he already looks different, check out those chompers!
and the final development is the one that i love most, the one that has my brain all mushy and my heart bursting. the wave. often accompanied with a sweet "baaa" (bye). currently i cannot carry on a conversation while holding henny because he will at some time wave at something, someone or nothing at all. and when he waves i dissolve into a ball of mushy gushing. i try to maintain a good front but inside i am dying to interrupt with, "oh my god. do you see that? henny waves now. look! isn't it the cutest thing you ever heard? and he waves at shoes and plants and his sister. and sometimes he says 'baaa', and that means 'bye', i'm sure of it. i think that's his first word. oh my god. isn't it cute? look! he's still doing it!" of course i don't say all that. except to D, who feels the same. but really, isn't it the cutest thing?

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