Thursday, May 22, 2008

little shutterbug

lately bee has taken an interest in the camera. i have let her take a few pictures here and there but in the last few weeks she has been asking more and more to take pictures. she goes around looking for things that look interesting. the things she decides to shoot are usually things that i would never think of. and sometimes the pictures come out pretty cool. and most other times they are a little crazy and out of focus. the best part is that no matter how they come out they are undeniably her perspective and at her height. 
all this camera enthusiasm has led us to decide to fix up our old digital camera for bee's fourth birthday. all it needed was a battery (thanks ebay!). it's nice and sturdy, but pretty simple and small. pop a few stickers on it and i think it will be the best present ever! now we just have to keep it a secret for the next 3 months while we hear endless begging for "my own camera"!
here are some of bee's pictures that i like best:

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