today bee got herself deep into a project that was entirely self motivated and created. as i scurried about in the kitchen unloading grocery bags, making lunch and simultaneously tossing o's at a screaming baby dinosaur, bee busied herself with making her own band-aids.

this project is directly rooted in bee's passion for all things medical, especially band-aids. not a day goes by when she doesn't ask, beg, even cry for a band-aid for all sorts of injuries, real and pretend. today's project is the type of thing that i love to see bee do. it's so creative and she is so invested in it because it is all her idea. she didn't ask me for a bit of help. in fact i had no idea what she was doing and when she was done she came out to the kitchen to show off her nice, big band-aids.

one has a self portrait of bee, and the first
initial of her middle name. she said she thought of the design because she once had a barbie band-aid and so "i liked that one with a girl on it and i decided to make one with a girl, so i made a picture of me." i find that
unbelievably cute on so many levels.
i'm not ashamed to admit that the main reason i like that statement is that
i'm proud that bee doesn't know
barbie's name. yet.
the back of the band-aids have tape to hold them on and a nice soft piece of tissue in the center for the boo boo part. to me, it's genius.

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