Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my view

every day. often three times a day. for nearly nine months. this has been my view.
as i sit in the rocking chair, in henny's room, i stare off at this. sometimes my mind wanders to nothing. sometimes i am planning the day in my head. sometimes i just look at henny and stroke his hair. i admit that i also sometimes do the most un-earth mama thing and pop my earphones in. but no matter where my mind is this is what i see. i think i know every crack in the floor, every way the light shines in, depending on the time of day and of course i know every speck of dust and dirt from the chair to the bathroom (and that spoon that somehow got under the crib! and what is that, a dollhouse guy's green coat over there?!). 
i took this picture because i know that this is one of those mundane things that i will struggle to recall someday. maybe our house will be changed and surely i will be changed. maybe i won't even remember all the time spent in that chair. hopefully this picture will bring me back someday when i am far from here. these days where it seems like i am often putting henny down for a rest all day. these special days where i get to spend so much time alone, quiet, nursing and dreaming with my baby.

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