Monday, April 7, 2008

the longest weekend

this past weekend i left the family for the first time ever. i have never been away from henny for a night and have never gone anywhere alone since being a mom. i went with my wonderful friend to this place to meet this person. it was a wonderful excuse to get away to a nice place and have lots of great chats along the way.
all went well on the home front which made it all the sweeter. naps were had, bottles drank, puddles happily stomped in. what made the trip even better was getting home (that sounds weird) on saturday afternoon. that made the weekend feel soooo long. 
sunday brought much creation which made me feel like a good little follower of our new bible. we made salt clay. the whole family enjoyed digging in 
and making something. being able to bake it and keep it was the best part.

sunday afternoon was full of gardening. it felt good to get out there and start envisioning what will be coming up soon. last year our garden was really amazing, beautiful and productive. this year we are hoping for more. yesterday we spent the last bits of daylight building a "castle" for bee. it is like a teepee, built with saplings, string and vines. we also planted peas all around the bottom. they promise to grow 6 feet tall and will wind around the castle to make "walls". i couldn't be more excited about this.

finally today we started some seeds inside. this was especially fun because i got to one it one-to-one with bee, because henny was asleep. we slowly chose what to plant first, and made tags and covered the plants so they could collect all the sunshine. 
i think spring has finally sprung.

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