little bee has a new responsibility. she has taken on the task of bring in my newspaper before breakfast each morning. she begged and begged to try to do it and we gave her the whole speech about cars and whatnot. now after a few tries where we pretended not to be helping but were closely watching from a few feet away ("just checking the flowers", "just looking at the car"), she really does it all on her own. we stand in awe in the kitchen and watch her every move from the window.
bee puts her shoes on (after she realized that her feet were "disgusting" from going out barefoot one time) and the tiptoes up the driveway. she stops about halfway up to check for cars. today there was a car and she waited and even yelled back to tell us that she saw a car. once the coast is clear she dashes up and peeks in the box, just to make sure it is there. then she grabs the paper and carries it as carefully as she can. more often than not the sections fall out and the fliers hit the ground, but it all makes it in the house in one way or another.
it is amazing to see her pride in doing such a big girl thing. it is also scary. and really above all else, it is so damn cute!
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