no, all i can think about is the crumbs/dirt/dust/cheerios that litter the floor, the bathroom that is basically a petri dish and the endless spring cleaning list that i hope to tackle this weekend. that's my problem.
compounding the problem is that i didn't get to use any of bee's school time this week for my own enjoyment. tuesday there was a lunch social that started basically an hour and a half after the school day began. so, with henny's napping and the heating our our dish-to-share i had zero time for whatever i had hoped to do. like climb the mountain! and today there was a field trip. this could have been good if bee would have gone into the fire station with the other children. but she didn't. that's ok with me, but inside i was all, "i could be climbing the mountain! not pacing around this deadbeat town killing time!" and did i mention the part where we went to the car and a lovely meter maid pointed out that i was parked in a handicapped spot? (i would NEVER do this on purpose, btw.)
so, that is where i am at right now. maybe tonight after the kids go to bed i'll have a glass of wine and clean the bathroom and then all will be well.
hey, tomorrow is friday!
**i think this post was just voted "most boring" by the internet as a whole*
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