Monday, November 17, 2008

apple (with no apples!) muffins and our endless snack consumption

lately it has been feeling less and less like we have a kid and a baby and more like we have 2 kids. this has a lot to do with the fact that henny climbs up on the dining room table if given the chance and grabs his shoes and coat when he feels like going outside. it also has a lot to do with the amount of food that our former baby consumes. like bee, he wants to eat constantly. we have been going through so much snack food lately. it is almost sickening too see the food come in, be devoured and then see the trash pile up. i have been thinking about how sad this kind of waste is (so articulately put here) and what to do about it. i would like to start making my own granola bars and crackers but tonight i put in an effort to stretch our snack supply by baking some muffins.
i used this recipe from this most amazing blog that i just found. there is so much there that it makes my head spin! it turned out that when i went to make the muffins that the bag of apples was empty, so i broke out some of the summer supply, strawberries and peaches! the muffins turned out great and i'm sort of psyched to start a trend of less wasteful snack food. i making my own fake meat now, so i guess that anything is possible!

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