this week has sure been a doozy. i don't think i had a single 15 minute chunk of spare time for the whole week. we had the drama of a dead furnace and hot water heater, which resulted in no hot water and a very busy handy husband hard at work on the situation. we also started swimming lessons for bee. i feel like a real whiner complaining about them, but they are every damn day. yes, it's only for 2 weeks, but still. between hen's naps and eating meals the only other thing we did last week was go to swimming. and did i mention that hen's favorite activity at swimming is eating sand? we have also started planning hen's birthday party (!!!) where we have perhaps insanely managed to invite 118 people (!!!!). so there's that.
there has been a lot going on, outside of the usual. throughout the week i did try to take a few pictures, with the intention of putting them up here. so here they are, with little commentary, because i'm tired.
one shinning light this week was the great abundance of cucumbers, both from our farm and garden. i have been enjoying mine the very best way a person can eat a cucumber, sliced with avocado and salt on top. bee decided she likes hers with salt and sprinkles. very fairy like.
pasta with garlic scape pesto, on salad green and topped with cucumbers:

and bbq seitan burrito with zucchini ribbon salad with mint. i made my own bbq sauce: tomato sauce, garlic, balsamic vinegar, worcestershire sauce, maple syrup and salt. it was awesome.
oh, and did i mention that we are also painting our house right now? check out that painting skirt. made by D, of course.
finally today i got down to business on some of the things i have been dying to do throughout this crazy week. if you are a strange person, you would love to make your own seitan. it is way fun and looks like a pot of brains.
finally today i put the finishing touches on henny's birthday crown. it is fit for a king! i still can't believe he is almost one! bee also made henny something felted. it's a secret for now.

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