Wednesday, May 21, 2008

baby's first pizza

another week, another crazy weight loss plan. since henny was born i have had a revolving list of ideas on what will get be down to my ideal weight. no dairy, serious calorie counting, mountain climbing.... i am consumed with the idea that i need to get down to a certain weight/size/look. i know that i have a long way to go, but i also have a strong belief that i can get there. that's why i always have a new plan! it's my positive attitude!
so, this week my plan is eating dinner earlier. ever since bee was a baby we have eaten dinner after bedtime. it is so pleasurable to cook a meal together and eat it uninterrupted. we have always been quite lucky to have from 7 o'clock on, most nights. it is our special time and the meal was a big part of it.
but i had a brain storm the other day that maybe we could drop a few pounds if we ate dinner at a normal time. on the average night we would eat around 7:30 or so, but sometimes later. now i have seen enough weight loss articles in magazines and segments on the today show to know that this is a big diet mistake. so, now we eat earlier, all together, at 6. 
that brings me to the point of this post.
baby pizza.
last night we had pizza (healthy pizza for me and D). bee made her own and we decided to make one for henny. it was about the cutest thing i had ever seen. bee stretched the dough to about a 3" circle. i topped it with some pureed spinach and cheese. it looked just like pizza! and of course henny gobbled it up. i know he probably doesn't know but he did look so proud eating a big kid food!
*this post is brought to you by the box of wine in the fridge. note: this is the first box of wine that we have had in at least 4 years.*

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