when bee turned one, we had a BIG party. we were thrilled and we wanted to celebrate with everyone we knew. we both have large families and we didn't make any cuts. it was a wonderful party, many loved ones, great weather and much parental pride. as soon as henny was born i started to have anxiety about his birthday party. i thought that in hindsight bee's party was maybe (probably) over the top. i know that not everyone is psyched to come to a one-year-old's party and i dreaded doing it again. i thought we would just do something different, but then the nagging guilt that i live with every day wouldn't quit. it said, "if you do it for one...." and "what will he think someday when he knows what bee's party was like?"
so we went for it. we invited everyone we know. and now that we have bee and she has opened our lives up to so many new people, we know a lot more people. since bee was born we have made so many new and dear friends and gotten to know our neighbors so much more. after all the family, friends and neighbors were added up we were inviting 122 people. yikes!
we said "to hell with it" and just went for it. it really was just a good excuse for a party. we requested that people not bring gifts, which was both based on our wishes and to create a better atmosphere at the party. luckily everyone respected our wishes. we thought we would just have a really great party, where we also sing "happy birthday" to henny.
for food we had a picnic theme. we had some deli platters from a local farm market, egg salad, fruit salad, tossed salad, pasta salad and an assortment of desserts. we served the food one ice, in our canoe. it was a huge "wow" factor, looked awesome and helped keep the food fresh for a very long time.

i know it sounds a bit over-thought but i really felt like this party personified what i think our life is like. for people who didn't know us that well, or hadn't been to our home before, the party gave them a clear picture of what we strive to create for our family. it was beautiful, fun, full of loving people and beautiful children. this is exactly where we want to be right now and it felt so good to share it with everyone.
happy birthday henny!
now it's on to planning bee's fourth which is coming up in a few weeks!

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