Thursday, August 14, 2008

just like the whistle stop cafe

tonight's dinner was the bomb, and i'm not afraid to admit it.
we had just returned from the farm with the largest share in the history of time. i was feeling very grateful and very overwhelmed at once. i mean, what are you supposed to do with all this food. i'll spare anyone who actually reads this the details, but let's just say it took 2 people to carry it all in from the car. and even then it was a semi-struggle.

on to dinner....
as i was picking our herbs in the field i brainstormed dinner and decided it would have to revolve around fried green tomatoes. we got 6 beautiful heirloom tomatoes today and one we chose just happened to be green. big and green.
so for dinner tonight we had:
fried green tomatoes
grilled tofu steaks
sliced cucumbers on top 
corn on the side

i hate how the corn totally ruins the look of this dinner, but we got corn at the farm and everyone knows that corn is no good after day 1.
(bonus: this meal was enjoyed by the whole family. bee ate what she likes, which was mostly all of it and henny ate what he is allowed to eat, and loved it. horray for families all eating the same thing!)

did i mention that we ate the biggest cantaloupe ever, before dinner?
well, we did.

so, why am i dreaming of soft serve right now?

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