Wednesday, March 19, 2008

how boring i am

i am so thrilled for easter, it is not normal. 
all i want to talk about is easter. therefor it is hard for me to carry on an interesting conversation with anyone over the age of 4. the conversation would be interesting to me, but no one else. 
all i want to talk about is easter basket making, filling easter baskets, coloring easter eggs, egg hunts, easter dresses (complete with hat) and pinata making (may otherwise be semi-interesting, but is easter related). these past few days i find myself biting my tongue with every adult i speak to. my brain is all "easter! easter! easter!"
i am dull.
i'm just so excited about these things. little bee has reached the age where she is so thrilled by all the delights of the holiday. it is pure magic to watch her and to teach her about all these fun things. i know that she will have this sweet innocence for only so long. in a few years she will question the easter bunny or request what she would like in her easter basket. 
for now i am going to stay deep in the preparations and keep my unhealthy excitement to myself. mostly.

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