a few weeks ago my sister's snowmobile found a temporary home at our house. i never imagined that we would have one, although snowmobiling is pretty big time in our country town. the groomed trails go through our back yard and there are miles and miles of scenic trails to get from here to there all around our valley.
needless to say, D is pretty psyched. he had never really been on a snowmobile much but is learning to love going out for an hour at night and of course tinkering away at it. bee also loves to go on slow rides around the yard.
henny reports back to us with what he sees. it's either "no bee-oles!" or it's "see bee-oles!"

when it's not really bee-ole time, henny has been loving snuggling up with D to watch some little videos of snowmobile races on youtube. he just puts his little fingers in his mouth to relax, settles in for the show and bursts out with the occasional enthusiastic "bee-ole!"

Ahh, I could listen to Henny say "Bee-ole" all day. I'm glad we found something to bond over!
It's funny I had a different idea about gender roles until I had both a daughter and a son. I am now leaning towards nature over nurture. Sometimes boys just will be boys.
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