Sunday, July 27, 2008

retail love

did a little shopping this weekend. i was cheap as usual, but that played nicely at our annual sidewalk sales. i got a few things here and there, but these were my favorites.
first is the "suck a bug". it resembles a bong, which provides much humor for the adults. but beyond the pot humor is the hilarity of sucking a bug into the little jar (equipped with magnifier). bee loves checking out bugs and this is just perfect. you can see in the picture the moth that i sucked, just to check it out.
my other favorite is this dessert server. i love it. love, love, love it. it is so cute and it folds up to be so small and compact. i would never buy it for myself because i never buy anything for myself really. but D insisted and for that i love him more. i mean really, look at it! did i mention it was only $20?!

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