last week halloween sucked all of my time. that and the fact that i joined facebook recently. so addictive, that facebook is.
i hardly know where to begin in recording our halloween. it was long and seems somewhat tedious to run through it all. but then again, this journal is supposed to be a way for me to remember all these little things, boring as it may seem.
other than my behind the scenes sewing and crafting, our halloween celebrations started last wednesday, with carving pumpkins. i hardly want to mention it here because i regret that i didn't ever get a picture of them all lit. i don't know what happened, i just spaced out.
it was a really fun family time. bee liked poking around at the pumpkins, "carving" them. next year she might be ready for real carving. henny played with all of the "guts" and helped us get the scraps into the bowl.

bee dressed as a tooth fairy. she has been planning this costume for months. bee has never lost a tooth, but she is interested in the idea. for her costume she wore a first communion gown that i found a long time ago at a tag sale, her wings, a tooth necklace that D made with
fimo, a wire crown with a big
fimo tooth on it and she carried a wand with a big tooth on the end. it was very cute and she felt proud, which made it all worth it. i should also note that fairies are a big hit with the preschool set. at bee's school ALL of the girls were fairies, except one who was a princess.
henny was a skunk. there was no significance to this costume and i really had no clue what
henny would be until earlier in the week. i just went to the fabric store, hoping for inspiration. i found this great white "skunk fur" and decided to pair it with a black one piece suit that we already had, and an old baby hat that has ears. the hat was from last winter, and was way small, but i just
cinched it on and it worked. i sewed the skunk stripe on the hat and down the back of the suit. i put a circle of fur on the chest, which was convenient to cover the little picture that was already on the suit. to top it all off, bee painted
henny's nose.

the kids were really cute and we all enjoyed trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. bee ran from house to house with her neighbor buddy and
henny even enjoyed knocking on the doors and smiling for the neighbors. the parents enjoyed the beers that we had in our pockets!
after halloween we instituted a new family rule. you are allowed to keep the number of pieces of candy that you are years old. the rest we baked into a batch of cookies. the best cookies i have ever had! it was fun because bee could try nibbles of each kind, so she didn't feel like she was missing out.
i guess now it's time to start crafting for
christmas! i am going back and forth on whether or not i can handle taking the
handmade pledge.