no big news here... just some quick notes....
at last count henny now has 6 teeth. 4 on the bottom and 2 nice big ones on top. and he will bite you. watch out!
bee almost put me over the edge today when she knocked a glass on the floor and it smashed. ok, i know that maybe she is too young for a glass, and that it happens to everyone sometimes, even me. but her response as i was cleaning up a cup's worth of water and shards of broken glass was just astonishing.
the first thing she said was, "can i have some more water?" i mean really, how self centered! (*sarcastic*)
that was followed by a string of versions of, "can i get up?" (i made her stay in her chair so she wouldn't be cut. how mean of me!)
and finally the loud sigh and moan of, "mom, i'm so bored!"
henny learned how to climb stairs yesterday. it was truly the cutest thing to watch his brain and body work together to make it happen. he just kept lifting is little knees up until he made it up all 5 deck stairs to the top. and boy did he look proud! and boy are we screwed!
i went to the movies alone on the weekend. this was kind of a big deal for me but was actually really fun. i recommend it.
finally, the long, unscheduled summer has begun. i know it should be fun, but i really need to figure out a way to make it more fun for me. i know bee would just love to "hang around the house" all day, making mess after mess and watching me clean it up while simultaneously asking, "can you play with me?" but i think i need a little more.
goal for the rest of the week..... work on that.